Groundbreaking at Academy of Warren


We’re excited to announce the groundbreaking of one of our latest projects, the Academy of Warren.

Working alongside Equity Schools and Sachse Construction, the Technology GC team is looking forward to seeing this project come to fruition, especially as the final product will have such a profound impact on the young lives going to the school on a daily basis!

The existing building was formerly a supermarket space, meaning there’s limited natural light and overall, it’s just not the ideal environment for learning. As the overarching goal is to allow this school to include stimulating and varied learning environments, and enriching opportunities for children to socialize, play and have fun, we’re excited to help implement the technological advances and systems to ensure the building is running optimally and efficiently always.

Here is the current building:


And here’s the vision for the future:


Stay tuned for more updates along the way!

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